IIndustrial Che emistry II Envvironmental EEngineeringįun ndamentals of Electrrical Technolo ogyĬhemical Fun ndamentals Modulee Degrree Program Module designation n Module level, if app plicable Codee, if applicable Courrses and Semestter(s) in wh hich the module is taught Perso on responsible for the Module Lectu urers Language Relattion to curriculu um Typee of teaching, co ontact hourrsĬhem mical and Metaallurgical Processses Chem mical Fundameentals QM‐‐01 Coourses Chemistry Inorganic Chem mistry Tablle of Conttents Tablee of Contentss . 137 1 Modu ules and Cou urses . 138 1 Chem mical Fundam mentals Module . 140 1 Therm modynamicss Module . 142 1 Mineeral Processin ng Module . 144 1 Chem mical Analysiss Module . 147 1 Indusstrial Techno ology Processses Module . 149 1 Applied Technolo ogy Module . 151 1 Indusstrial Operations Module e . 153 1 Chem mical Processses Module . 155 1 Metaallurgical Processes Modu ule . 157 1 Applied Mathemaatics Module e . 159 1 Fundamental Tecchnology Module . 161 1 Math hematics Module . 163 1 Physiics Module. 165 1 Fundamentals of Electrical Te echnology M odule . 167 1 Valuees and Culturre Module . 169 1 Comm munications Module . 171 1 Qualiity and Safetty Module . 173 1 Basicc English Mod dule . 175 1 Manaagement Mo odule . 176 1 Humaan Resources and Labor Market Moddule . 179 1Ĭhem mical and Metallurgical Prrocesses Moodule Handbo ook
This article is intended to test the hypothesis that the performance of the lawyer should be within the framework of law and ethical principles, acting in parallel paths to achieve a balance between these, instilled in the family, in schools and reaffirmed applied in the professional field.Module Handbook Programs: “Chemical and Metallurgical Processes” “Plant Machinery Maintenance” “Industrial Electrotechnics” “Industrial Automation and Electronics”Ĭh emical and M Metallurgical Processes M Module Hand dbook The values can be considered as means for are those that lead to an end, unlike the obligations that are referred within the field of law, because it protects, monitors and regulates the legal relationship is between the individuals involved in an obligation, ie creditor and debtor, or that they should always act according to ethics.

The ethics try to resolve generality problems, it is useless to go to ethics for answers to what to do or not in certain situations, even though ethics influences our decisions much of it is due to the moral status of each individual which is determined according to the needs of each society and the establishment of this environment. En el presente artículo se pretende comprobar la hipótesis de que el desempeño del abogado debe estar en el marco del derecho y de los principios éticos, actuando en senderos paralelos, para lograr un equilibrio entre estos, inculcados en la familia, reafirmados en las escuelas y aplicados en el ámbito profesional. Los valores son considerados medios porque que nos conducen a un fin, a diferencia de las obligaciones que se encuentran contempladas dentro del campo del derecho. Es parte fundamental la moral, el derecho, y en particular las obligaciones civiles, y si existe un equilibrio entre estos podríamos afirmar que hay justicia. La ética analiza problemas en su generalidad, es inútil acudir a ella buscando respuestas a lo que debemos hacer o no en situaciones concretas, a pesar de que la ética influye en nuestras decisiones gran parte de ella se debe a la condición moral de cada individuo la cual se determina en función a las necesidades de cada sociedad y al establecimiento del entorno de ésta.